Marriage Minute: The Key to a Blessed Marriage
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the (children) of God.” – Matthew 5:9
Conflict in a marriage is inevitable. Yet, some people think that a peaceful marriage is the absence of conflict. A peaceful marriage is more than just the absence of conflict – it’s a result of spouses having the skills and tools and determination to practice peacemaking.
And nothing brings more blessing to a marriage than a spouse who is a peacemaker. Instead of sweeping matters under the carpet and holding a grudge, a peacemaker spouse takes the initiative to make peace by resolving conflicts and healing hurts as they occur.
Has a rift in your relationship occurred recently?
Action Point: Take the lead. Humble yourself. Set a time to talk with your spouse and heal the hurt. Follow the five steps for seeking and granting forgiveness. You, your spouse, and your marriage will be blessed by you being a peacemaker.