Christian Intensive Marriage Retreats

If You're struggling in Your Marriage You've Come to the Right Place.
We help couples like you restore their relationship.

Upcoming Marriage Counseling Retreats

Our Christian marriage retreats can put you on the path to A New Beginning, restore and revitalize your marriage, and make it loving again.

Christian Marriage Retreat Testimonial

The marriage strategy provided by Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries incorporates both intensive retreat experiences and principles of Christian marriage counseling. These programs involve extended periods of work with you over an entire weekend. Our intensive approach allows us and our team of marriage counselors and coaches to work with you to get to the root of your marital problems and deal with the hurts, problems and pain in your relationship. A life-changing, nationally acclaimed “A New Beginning” marriage retreat, with a record of restoring 4 of 5 crisis marriages. Since 1994, literally thousands of couples have come from all across the U.S and Canada. Regardless of how serious your marital crisis may be, or how hopeless you may feel, this Christian marriage retreat, underscored by the principles of an intensive Christian marriage counseling experience, can put you on the path to A New Beginning, restore and revitalize your marriage, and make it loving again. Want to know more? Call us at (281) 304-1500! 

God designed marriage as a sacred commitment between a man and a woman. We help couples navigate through the tumultuous waters of a marriage crisis, restoring their relationships through the timeless principles found in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe scripture is the inspired word of God. We welcome people from all backgrounds, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey.

We also utilize the latest research on marital relationships to help assess and repair the damage that has occurred. Our approach embodies the essence of Christian marriage counseling, focusing on hope, healing, and reconciliation.

Right now, you may feel like two people, too far apart, with too much damage done to save your marriage. You owe it to yourselves, and possibly your children to give saving this marriage one more try by attending one of our Christian marriage retreats.

Like you, most couples who attend our marriage intensive retreats are in serious marital distress. That’s the very reason we exist – to help couples like you restore their marriages. Cornerstone’s nationally recognized  “A New Beginning” Marriage Intensive program has a proven, 87.3% success rate in restoring distressed marriages.

Years of Experience
0 +
Recommit Success Rate
0 %
Couples Who Attended
A New Beginning
1000 +

Developing and sustaining a healthy, happy marriage requires at least three tasks:

Fortunately these three tasks are teachable. Christian marriage retreats have proven effective in helping couples achieve success in these areas. Yet, there are many husbands and wives who go their entire lives without ever realizing this.

Like many, they never learn how to overcome the unproductive attitudes and unhealthy behaviors within themselves that lead to mediocre relationships and unhealthy marriages. Many know they want something different in their marriage, but just don’t know what it is, whether or not it’s achievable, and if so – HOW to go about achieving it.

Different Help for Different Problems

If you’re asking yourself, “Is my marriage broken?” it’s important to recognize that marital problems can manifest in various forms, ranging from minor disagreements to serious conflicts and even crisis-level issues. Each situation requires a unique approach to effectively rescue and heal your relationship.

Here at Cornerstone, caring, Christian professional help is available for most types and levels of marital problems. Regardless of what kinds of problems a couple may be having, help is available for all – whether it’s to tune-up a good marriage or restore a struggling marriage. Even the most seemingly hopeless of situations can be turned around for the better. To understand how wide-ranging marital difficulties can be, let’s look at Jan & David’s marital situation.

David and Jan have been married for 12 years and have 3 children. They sometimes disagree about how to discipline their kids. They also find themselves arguing more frequently about finances and aren’t communicating like they used to.  Date nights have been waning lately and have been few and far between. They used to enjoy being together and having fun whenever they had time to be together. But with all the demands of children and finances, they were spending less time together

They recently came to the realization that they need to refresh their marriage. After examining several options, some of which were very costly, they decided to talk to their Pastor about what might be some good options.  After the “A New Beginning” Retreat  they began to find success implementing the tools they had utilized and developed while in the “A New Beginning” Weekend and the 4-week follow-up program.

A life-changing, nationally acclaimed, Christian Marriage  Retreat with a record of restoring 4 of 5 crisis marriages.

Since 1994, thousands of couples have come from all across the U.S and Canada. Regardless of how serious your marital crisis may be, or how hopeless you may feel, this Christian marriage retreat can put you on the path to A New Beginning, restore your marriage, and Make It Loving Again. Call us at (281) 304-1500 to learn more. 

A New Beginning Marriage Retreat Weekend

Restore Your Marriage and Make It Loving Again

Marriage Retreat Consultation

Call us today and find out if a marriage retreat is a good fit. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate this important decision with care and expertise. Schedule your consultation now and take the first step towards a healthier and happier relationship.

What couples are saying:

Married 8 Years | Attended Columbus OH 4/5/24

“This weekend brought clarity to the problems that drove a wedge between my husband and I. It allowed us to be vulnerable regarding our issues in a safe space, and gave us the tools to work through our issues in the future. It restored a sense of hope in our marriage, which was not expected, as our divorce papers were already filed.”



Married 21 Years | Attended Columbus OH 4/5/24

“Prior to our marriage renewal weekend, my wife and I were living separately and in the final stages of divorce. We are now both fully committed to making every possible effort to mend our relationship, utilizing the tools, learned throughout the program, and our faith.”


Airline Captain

Married 3 Years | Attended Columbus OH 4/5/24

“This retreat has completely transformed how I see my spouse and God‘s plan for marriage. We came while recovering from infidelity, brokenness, resentment, and heartbreak. However, we are leaving with hope, renewal, and quite literally what feels like a new marriage filled with love, safety, and friendship, with my partner, the most important person in the world to me.”



Married 33 Years | Attended Online 3/15/24

“Before this weekend, we were not in a good place in our marriage due to unresolved hurts. The marriage renewal weekend allowed us to lift these hurts up in a safe place, and provided tools to help us understand the pain and resulting feelings associated with the hurt. I feel confident our marriage is now headed in a positive direction and can be the marriage we both desire.”



Married 31 Years | Attended Online 3/15/24

“This provided helpful tools and framework for strengthening our marriage and resisting the pull and tendency to drift apart under the pressures of life, family and ministry. It also helped to put into words the areas of repeated difficulties and understand of how to prevent. them”



Married 27 Years | Attended Jordan Ranch, TX 3/1/24

“Before this weekend, I wanted a divorce, and my husband was aware. I came with only one expectation, and it was that God would move, and he did. He is in the restoration business. So grateful to the Lord and instructors for this life-changing weekend.”



Married 40 Years | Attended Jordan Ranch, TX 3/1/24

“I felt the door opened to the love that was missing. The weekend has given us a new direction to know, communicate, and to love each other with empathy and the word of God. It opened doors to a new beginning.”



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Frequently Asked Questions

A Marriage Intensive Weekend is designed to help couples who are struggling in their marriage. It is a closely guided, step by step approach. Participants will reconnect emotionally, heal many old hurts and learn how to resolve conflicts. It is experiential, unlike a seminar where it is just knowledge; you actually do the work over the weekend to begin to repair your relationship. This intensive Christian retreat for married couples is a combination of relationship training and structured exercises and projects. We meet as a group but there is no sharing between couples. Your sharing is private between you and your spouse or with a marriage coach or counselor. The couple learns to develop healthier communication patterns. They gain the tools to repair damage and move forward in their relationship.

We ask every person attending to complete a confidential Marriage Inventory Questionnaire. This helps our team to have adequate information about how to support you during the weekend.

It is for any couple that desires to improve and restore their relationship. Many couples are currently separated, have filed for divorce, or consider themselves “on the brink.” We have even had divorced couples and engaged couples attend. Many couples who attend are recovering from infidelity or a major life crisis. It is not for couples that are in active addiction. This needs to be addressed before attending a weekend at our Christian couples retreat. It is also not designed for couples experiencing physical abuse. We are not trained or equipped to handle this.

We have a 4 session follow-up program. This is a video which is emailed on a weekly basis, making it a valuable resource for couples seeking guidance after leaving our marriage counseling retreat. It also comes with worksheets that the couple completes after listening to the podcast. The cost is $99, but financial assistance is available for those who cannot afford it. We also have ZOOM counseling available for those who need help following a retreat.

We are a Christian ministry dedicated to providing a spiritual retreat experience where we share the truths found in the Bible. Jesus Christ can guide us in our journey of restoring our marriages. You will receive a workbook which has scripture under every major point. The speakers also share scriptures based on the teaching. We do not want anyone to feel judged or pressured. We welcome all couples regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

We have Financial Assistance available for those who cannot afford our intensive retreat due to low income or financial hardship. Simply complete the Financial Assistance Application. We are a ministry and want to assist couples who truly have financial need. We also offer an Online weekend which many couples utilize for the convenience of staying home and reduced costs to attend.