What Is a Marriage Renewal Weekend?

Cornerstone’s nationally acclaimed non-traditional Christian Marriage Intensive Retreat consists of a 3-day/2-night weekend involving approximately 19 hours of intensive marriage restoration work. The work occurs in a private, safe and supportive environment.  Once in a comfortable setting, Biblical process for healing hurts, resolving conflicts and restoring trust is facilitated. Our accelerated process for restoring and enriching marital relationships begins beforehand with a Confidential Marital Assessment. The assessment allows each person to privately express their needs, identify barriers to intimacy and pinpoint relational issues. In addition, the assessment provides feedback for planning the Christian marriage renewal weekend.

Our intensive process helps spouses identify and address underlying issues, heal painful emotions, and make necessary changes. Biblical principles are the basis of the Christian therapeutic processes facilitating genuine healing, growth and change during the renewal weekend. The processes will challenge and empower spouses to take an honest look at themselves and their marriage. Further, spouses will deal with relevant issues, heal hurts and deal with the past. Once achieved, spouses rediscover the experience of affection, intimacy and friendship in their marriage.

Our experienced team of caring, trained Christian counselors walk you and your spouse step-by-step through guided exercises. The exercises first reveal the hidden barriers keeping your marriage from thriving. Secondly, the exercises guide you through steps to resolve your issues, heal your relationship and rebuild a healthy, more satisfying marriage. Following the Christian marriage renewal weekend a series of four “After-care” sessions and optional private telephone coaching sessions are available to help you implement changes and maximize your forward momentum.